If you're just learning about home birth, you may wonder - what's the appeal? Why choose to have your baby in your bedroom instead of a hospital? And why is this 21-year-old photojournalism student with no children writing about it?
I am immensely proud to say I was born in the house I grew up in. My sister was born in my parent's first house. My brother was meant to be a home birth too, but there were complications and he was delivered at a hospital (see, any good midwife will send you if they feel it's an emergency!).
I was never great with kids growing up and was skeptical that they weren't really more than a bunch of screaming, crying, pooping, eating, runny-nosed dependents until my sister got pregnant shortly after her marriage. Needless to say I completely changed my mind upon the arrival of my first niece, Grace. Suddenly my curmudgeonly outlook on offspring was flipped upside down and I was hopelessly in love with this beautiful, chubby little life. My sister and her husband lived in a small apartment in Penn State. Grace was born in the back room to one of the happiest couples I have ever known.
When Alyssa came along, they were living back in Philadelphia with relatives and didn't feel comfortable with a home birth in someone else's home. So they went to a birthing center. The staff there was supportive, friendly and knowledgeable, but my sister still preferred the comfort and empowerment of being in a completely familiar environment.
By this time I was positive I wanted to get involved in home birth somehow. A photography student, I became very interested in pregnancy portraiture and home birth documentation. But until five months ago I'd never actually been to a full birth (I don't count my own, and my brother was delivered in a hospital). So when Jacob came along I was ecstatic to be asked if I would photograph the birth.
Watching Jacob be born was the most amazing experience of my life. My sister's midwife, Jen McFarland, was awesome. Grace and Alyssa were impatiently waiting for their brother to be born and Grace was determined to "help Mommy push". When Jacob arrived, it was truly miraculous.
I know now that this is what I want to do. I want to be able to document miracles. I want to help women to know their options and be able to ask questions and find answers on this beautiful and empowering choice.
So that's me. Now I want to learn about you!